How Does Owning an RV Affect Retirement Plans?

How Does Owning an RV Affect Retirement Plans?

Oct 22, 2019 Randy Lancaster Comments Disabled
How Does Owning an RV Affect Retirement Plans?

The RV Life in Retirement

Hundreds of thousands of people have retired to the RV life, otherwise known as “living the dream” by many of those people. RV living gives you a certain breath of fresh air, a freedom that you simply don’t know when you’re tied down to one place, one home, and one group of people. You not only experience the great outdoors at will, but you also make a home in new cities all the time and become a part of a traveling community of people who adore this new lifestyle. Anyone tied down to a job right now might consider this dream a virtual paradise, and that makes sense. However, planning for retirement to an RV lifestyle requires some consideration. It’s not all fun and games although those are a part of the big picture.

How Does Owning an RV Affect Retirement Plans?

RV living isn’t free, however free it might sound at first. Retiring to an RV lifestyle will take some planning on your part. Plus, you’ll have to consider what happens to your home base in the meantime. Will you have someone to housesit? Will you install security systems to make sure that your home and property are taken care of while you’re on the road? Are you going to RV year-round or is this going to be a seasonal adventure? Retirees are right to be excited about the RV lifestyle but don’t forget to ask the right questions before you retire. Costs of an RV include:

  • Gas for traveling much more expensive if you’re venturing far and often
  • Are you going to buy a luxury or economy RV?
  • What kind of food and living expenses will you have on the road?

If that list sounds not as “free” as you’re thinking it will be, it’s because it’s not. You will still have to plan for your RV lifestyle and all the expenses it entails. That said, it’s well worth it! A lifetime of freedom is priceless.

Call for More Information

If you’re planning retirement around an RV lifestyle, our dealership is here to answer your questions and help you plan. Financial experts are always ready to field your questions and help you better prepare for what will be the most exciting time of your life. Just give us a call today if you have more questions about the RV lifestyle after retirement.

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