RV Towing Ratings
How much an RV can tow is based on many factors, including RV type. Each RV type will have a different rating, whether it is a Leisure Van, Class C, Class B, or Class A RV. Class A typically will have the highest tow rating. Another determining factor is the chassis manufacturer and engine type, gas, or diesel. Tow ratings can also be affected by the total weight of the RV, whether it is mostly empty or heavily loaded.
Class A RV Tow Rating
Gas Engine Class A RV’s typically have a tow rating of up to 15,000 pounds. The higher rating is provided by a more robust chassis, such as Freightliner, and more powerful diesel engines. Depending on the load limit, the gas engine Class A typically will tow 4,000 to 6,000 pounds. Depending on the load limit, some gas engine RV’s or small horsepower diesel engines may have severely restricted tow ratings.
Class C RV Tow Rating
A Class C is usually manufactured with a heavy-duty truck chassis and can tow up to 10,000 pounds. The tow rating typically is between 3,000 – 8,000 pounds, depending on the size of Class C, chassis, and engine size and type. Recently there has been an introduction of the new Super Class C. The Super Class C can be manufactured with a more robust chassis and engines that can tow up to 30,000 pounds.
Class B RV Tow Rating
The Class B RV is usually smaller. Therefore, it has less towing ability. They may tow up to 5,000 pounds and tow a car, but due to the smaller size and SUV-like handling, many travelers do not tow another vehicle.
Leisure Travel Van (LTV) RV Tow Rating
The LTV has tow ratings of up to 5,000 pounds. However, the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW)requires close attention as the GVW may significantly affect the tow rating for the LTV. Many tow ratings are based upon a lightly loaded LTV, which may vary greatly from the actual towing capacity.
Visit Us in Springfield
Please visit Reliable RV and see one of our RV experts to discover the correct and safe tow ratings for the RV of your dreams.